Millennials and Direct Mail

Millennials are now the largest population and they love getting mail. The United States Postal Service did a study a couple of years ago and found that the majority of Millennials (64%) look through their mail and would rather scan the mail for information than in an email.  We all know that we go through our emails trying to clean out our inboxes and we do a lot of delete, delete, delete.  However, direct mail doesn’t go away that easily and if they see something of interest then they may lay it aside until they have more time to look over the information.

Do I think that you should do away with social media, emails etc?  No, in fact I think that the marketing should be in all channels of communications.  I use direct mail, a blog and social media for my company.  Using direct mail to direct a consumer to your website, or online shop makes the most sense.

For a free estimate email me at or call 865 584-2265.

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